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In Development

Nicolas is currently developing ideas for the following projects. If you would like to read synopses or see a pitch deck, please don't hesitate to get in touch.


Completed or released fiilms.


If you might be interested in licensing any properties or clips, don't hesitate to get in touch.

Rain Wars - Feature Film


Synopsis: It’s the summer of 2040 and JOANNE’s quintessentially English farm is running dry. Yet somehow, the farm next door seems to have rain.

Caught between losing her daughter’s inheritance to drought, vulture capitalism, and an inept state, Joanne takes drastic action.


Genre: sci-fi drama


Documents available: pitch deck, look book, 20 page proof of concept short script

Sally-Chan Waifu Pillow - Feature Film


Synopsis: A Waifu Pillow is wished to life and soon finds herself beset on all sides by the forces of the patriarchy.


Genre: dark comedy / uncanny valley


Project Stage: Treatment

Sweet Dreams

Sweet Dreams Poster Concept 3 TITLE.png

Synopsis: All Sarah wants is to sleep, but her anxious mind is plagued by thoughts of ecocide.


Status: Complete - available for private viewing



BNP Paribas Green Film Festival

Inverness Film Festival

Mulhouse Tous Courts


Writer-Director: Nicolas Motte

Producers: Consuelo Meseguer / Nicolas Motte

Lockdown BAE

Lockdown BAE.png

Synopsis: All Sarah wants is to sleep, but her anxious mind is plagued by thoughts of ecocide.


Status: Released



London Underground Film Festival

The Green Man

The Green Man poster.jpg

Synopsis: A delivery man with a deadline wants to cross a road. He's in for a surprise.


Status: Released



Sea & Beach FF - Best Fiction Short



Best No Budget Short - Carmarthen Bay FF - BAFTA Cymru qualifying
Best Short - Crystal Palace Intl FF
Best UK Short - Sheffield SFF



Carmarthen Bay FF - BAFTA Cymru qualifying

Kinofilm 17th Manchester International Short film Festival

Beeston FF

Crystal Palace International FF

Sheffield Short FF

The Shortest Nights

ROFL Film Festival

London Underground Film Festival

Cine-Maniacs Film Fetival

Capital Filmmakers Festival Madrid

14th Underground Cinema Film Awards

Wexford Film Festival

Independent Days Film Festival

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